Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Can't Nobody Keep Kanye Down

In AskMen.com's fifth annual "Most Influential Man" poll this year, Kanye West was voted by over a half a million people as #5. Seriously? Home boy beat out George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio, and our President Barack Obama. Is this a joke? Who was voting, children? Now while I'm not a Kanye West hater and I didn't go ballistic when he disrespected Taylor Swift on National TV (I actually found it rather funny), I don't see how the rapper comes out as the fifth most influential celeb. But you know what, you go ahead Kanye and keep on singing "Welcome to the Gooooood Liiiiife" because it doesn't look like your fat mouth has gotten you completely dismissed from the public's liking just yet. So from one fat mouth to another, I got love for you Mr. West. Now shut up and rap.


  1. I heard that he is going to do a rap CD with Jay Z in the next few months

  2. Really?! That'll be good!! Thanks for reading me Andy :)
