Thursday, October 7, 2010

Get a clue Amber

Teen Mom, Amber Portwood is a hot mess. Home girl not only assaulted her ex boy friend Gary 2 episodes ago but now she's come out of the woodworks with a new beau, Chris Hossman, whom she met at WAL-MART. Yes, Walmart. Then it just so happens that on their first date, he informs her he's basically in "jail." Anddd it just so happens that he also has child molestation charges dating back to 2005. Wow. Congratulations Amber, you definitely chose a winner. Not. And you thought chunky monkey Gary was a bad guy? Say Ambular, open your eyes, Gary is the best guy you're gonna get. Sorry sweetie. 


  1. I LOVE GARY! I think he should slam Amber in a wall. She is a complete psychopath! If you saw the season finally last night, the girl is obviously unstable. She has a screwed up perception of reality. If she really thinks she deserved an apology from Gary she had another thing coming BUT he is so insecure he actually apologizes to her. Another thing, who the hell does this Chris guy think he is? I mean who the HELL eskimo kisses someone on their first date. Just weird.

  2. "Gary time" is one of my favorite moments in the history of reality television. Gary is the man.
