Friday, October 8, 2010

Keep it real Cat

Now I know Cat isn't everyone's favorite DC HW and she's definitely known as the "mean girl" on the show BUT I'm gonna go ahead and applaud her for deciding to get rid of her non-existent, pompous a**hole husband, Charles. Not only is the "White House" photographer never around but when he is, all he seems to be consumed with is himself. I hope Cat can get some money out of arrogant Chucky boy because I think home boy needs a rude awakening. And somebody needs to give my girl Cat a break. She may be out spoken and a bit bitchy but at least she isn't fake. Be real or go home, that's to you Michaele.


  1. OMG I couldn't agree more. Her husband was ridiculous! As for Cat I totally think that's she severely misunderstood and is not nearly as vicious as people first take her. Keepin it real is definitely the way to go.

  2. I like Cat. Her and Lynda are my favorites!
