Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Justin Timberlake The Cheater

Well news has broken that Justin Timberlake has cheated on Jessica Biel with actress Olivia Munn. Apparently, Timberlake and Munn met September 26th at a MySpace event and Justin was immediately smitten. And shortly after their introduction, Timberlake and Munn carried out a secret 3 day affair while Jessica (girl friend at the time) was 3,000 miles away. Shame on you Justin. This is a classic case of a man not being able to keep it in his pants. And while I'm a fan of your music and talent Mr. Timberlake, I'm not a fan of a cheater. And what is with men cheating on their significant others with less attractive women?! I'm sorry but Jessica Biel is way hotter than Olivia Munn. So way to down grade Mr. Timberlake. And way to show the world how big of an ass you really are. 


  1. JT can do no harm in my book...I still and always will love him :) and I'm sure he didn't cheat on Jess b/c of looks...even tho Jess is better lokking she seems a lil boring so he prob needed to spice up his life a lil!

    1. Doesn't matter if someone is boring. There is no excuse to cheat on someone. You're obviously demented and heartless if you think cheating is right. He did do wrong-sorry you don't like the god awful truth.

  2. Anonymous is obviously a blind asskisser. He cheated, end of discussion. It most likely was because of looks-probably Olivia's breasts and buttocks. Justin Timberlake did do wrong. I am a fan of his music, myself, but what he did was wrong. There's no, "Oh, he did no wrong in my book." But Justin obviously did. Spicing up your life isn't an excuse to cheat. Sorry, you're an idiot and think that makes cheating right.
